Dreadlocks for kids

kids dreadlocks

Project Info

Project Description

If your child is wanting dreadlocks, or as a parent you are wanting dreadlocks for your child, there are certainly some things to consider.

A few odd looks here and there, racist hair policies at school, and the thought of sticky or dangerous chemicals are potential reasons why you may have a serious think about getting your child’s hair dreadded. Additionally, it’s fair to consider the possible whinging from your child about the pain of getting dreads or time taken to keep them nice and neat.

Let’s clear a few things up…

A few odd looks may occur if your child’s hair is dreadlocked, and this is potentially due to the misconception that dreadlocks are dirty. Locs are are  often negatively associated with marijuana, hippies, and a lack of hygiene, and there is a myth that dreadlocks are only made by neglecting to wash or brush your hair. Dreadlocks are only dirty if you don’t wash them, and only look messy if you don’t maintain them. Dreadlocked hair should always be washed with shampoo (not conditioner) at least once per week.

Australian public and private schools often have strict uniform policies or dress codes, which include rules about hair. If you are unsure what your school’s uniform rules are, you can check the school website, enrolment pack, student diary, or ask the student office for a copy of the school uniform rules. Students just like everyone, have a right to feel comfortable in their own skin. They also have the right to dress and wear hairstyles in a gender non-conforming manner. Furthermore, students cannot legally be discriminated against for having dreadlocks for religious reasons.

The thought of sticky or dangerous chemicals in your child’s hair is enough to turn anyone off having dreadlocks!! Many people have ruined their dreads because they followed bad advice and used products such as wax, glue, perfume, dish soap, and cremes. The truth is that dreadlocks don’t need any products at all! The crochet method, which is how the Dread Master creates locs, doesn’t require any messy waxes or chemical products to be used. Many people use waxes in an attempt to keep their hair looking neat, however, dreads get harder the older and more established they are. So after a few months of maintenance, much of the fluffiness that initially occurs after getting dreads will become smoother and neater naturally.

Finally, it’s fair to consider the possible whinging from your child about the pain of getting dreads or time taken to keep them nice and neat. The back-coming is said to be one of the worst parts of getting dreadlocks. However, the Dread Master ensures absolute gentle delicacy when putting dreadlocks in and maintaining them, especially when a child is the customer. Furthermore, maintaining dreadlocks only occurs once every couple of weeks to month, so rather than spending hours brushing out knots every morning, it is often easier for both parents and children in the mid to long term to get dreadlocks.

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